Monday, December 21, 2015

Factors Affecting Student Learning Interests

Factors Affecting Student Interests - According to Abdullah (1989), there are some which affect the interests of someone on certain subjects, including in science-biology. Overall factors are classified into two major groups, namely external factors (factors that originate from outside the student) and internal factors (factors that originate from within the students).
Factors Affecting Interest Student - Of the several factors that can affect student interest in science-biology, which is the subject of study in this research is the factor of the curriculum, a factor of the student, a factor of teaching methods, the factors of teachers, as well as facilities and infrastructure , For more details, the influence of each factor is interest in studying science-biology students can be described as follows:

a. Factors Curriculum
Direction of the development of the teaching of science subjects-Biology in the future can not be separated from the purpose and functions of the current curriculum, the curriculum of 1994. In 1994 curriculum there are several functions of science-biology lessons, especially at the elementary level, are:
Help students understand the concepts of Science-Biology.
Help develop scientific attitude in solving the problems faced everyday.
Helps to use and develop skills in the process of studying the concepts of Science-Biology.
Assist students in applying the concepts of Science-Biology assisted other basic sciences and developed the technology.
To help students understand the regularity of our life, causing a sense of awe and love of Allah Almighty.
Assist preparation of students to pursue higher education.
Increase students' awareness of the importance of conserving natural resources and the environment.
b. Factor of the Student Self
Students are a group of people who will be taught, guided and nurtured towards the achievement of specified learning objectives. Students also have a role in the learning process. In the implementation of the learning process there is interaction between teachers and students, and between students and the one with the other students, namely the mutual exchange of information and experience leads to the interaction of the learning process is optimal (Ali, 1993).

The learning process according to this concept, students use all the basic capabilities have it as a base to carry out various activities in order to obtain an optimum learning achievement. In this case, the function of the teacher in the learning process as revealed by Sardiman (1992) are:
Looking for a stimulant or motivation to make students want to do a particular purpose.
Direct all learning activities to a particular destination
Give impetus so that the students will conduct all activities that are able to achieve the goal.
c. Factors Teaching Methods
Teaching or transferring knowledge from the teacher to the student requires a certain technique or method. The method in terms of teaching methods. In the world of education has been known for a variety of teaching methods that can be used.

In particular school or educational institution there are many subjects and each subject has its own objectives. To search for such purposes every teacher should select teaching method is most appropriate for the subject or the subject to be taught. This is because not all subjects suitable for application of the subject or subjects. Therefore, teachers are able to use a variety of teaching methods and apply them in the learning process will be able to increase motivation and interest in student learning (Roestiyah, 1993).

d. Factors Guru
The teacher is a position or a profession that requires special expertise. This job can not be done by someone with no expertise as a teacher. To become a teacher, required special conditions, let alone a professional teacher must master the subtleties of education and teaching with a variety of other science that needs to be developed through specific educational future.

Guru is an important element in the overall education system. Therefore, the role and position of teachers in improving the quality and the quality of the students need to be considered seriously. The status of teachers is not only limited to employees who merely carry out the task without any sense of responsibility for adopting scientific disciplines. In education, teachers have three main tasks that can be carried out as follows:
Professional duties
Professional task is the task associated with the profession. This professional duties include the duty to educate, teach and train. Educating means to continue and develop the values of life. Teaching means to continue and develop science and technology, while the means to develop skills training.
ManusiawiTugas human task is a task as human beings. In this case both teachers teaching science-biology and other subjects teachers in charge of manifesting itself to realize its full potential. Teachers in schools should be able to make himself as second parents. He must be able to attract sympathetic so he became an idol students. In addition, transformation of the reality in the classroom or in the community need to be socialized, so that every layer of society can understand when dealing with teachers.
Civic duties
Civic duties as members of the community are teachers and citizens should serve as the creator of the future and driving ability. Even where the teacher is a decisive factor that could not be replaced by any component in the life of the nation since the first even more so today.

In addition to the three main tasks mentioned above, according to Muhtar (1992), teacher also serves as:
a) The facilitator development of students
Capabilities and potential of the students may not be able to develop properly if it does not receive stimulation from the environment. In a school setting, teachers are expected with individual students have had the ability and potential. In other words, have a role as a facilitator in bringing students toward high-quality educational outcomes.
b) Agent renewal
Human life is a series of significant changes. The development of science and technology in the era of globalization is experiencing rapidity that soar. In this case, teachers are required to be responsive to change and are required to serve as an agent of renewal and is able to transmit creativity and mental readiness of students.
c) business activities of the learning process
Teachers in this case the charge of directing student learning activities to achieve learning objectives. Therefore, in presenting the lesson material. Teachers play a role and served as manager of the learning process.
d) Replacement of parents in school
Teachers in this case should be able to replace parents when students were in school. In carrying out his duties as surrogate parents, teachers must be able to live a loving relationship of a father or a mother to her child. Therefore, teachers are able to know the student atmosphere at home or in the family.
Factors Infrastructures
Facilities and infrastructure is supporting the success of teaching facilities such as school buildings, libraries, laboratories, props and others.
Factors Affecting Student Learning Interests

The use of props in the learning process has the main function (Nasution, 1990), namely:
Clarify the presentation of the message in order not to be verbalistis only in the form of words or mere verbal.
Overcoming the limitations of space, time, power senses as objects too large can be replaced with pictures, movies, or model.
By using the appropriate media and varied teaching can overcome passivity of students, and
With an attitude that is unique for each student with the environment and a different experience, while the subject matter prescribed curriculum the same for each student, the teacher will be a lot of trouble if need be overcome alone.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Participation of Parents Against Influence Student Achievement

Participation of Parents Against Influence Student Achievement

Students are the hope and pride of everyone who is expected to succeed in school well. Therefore, to realize the hope of wise parents will always follow developments as well as trying to find out the level of their capabilities. For parents whose educational level is low or too busy with his work, perhaps it is very difficult to do. But if parents are aware of the importance of their participation to the success of their children, will be a variety of ways to realize their responsibility in guiding and directing students to learn well.

Parents still need to give love and appreciation in order to establish a healthy mental child's learning so that the spirit remains. Instead, parents are less affectionate will cause a sense of emotional child, and eventually there will be a sense of lazy learning. Parental affection can be realized in the form of trying to take the time for dialogue, jokes, to communicate and to meet other needs in addition to the needs of the school (Mardanu, 1992).

Baker and Stevenson's research results show that participation or the participation of parents give good influence and assessment of teachers to students. Parents have a role and to participate in determining the initiative, structured activities at home to supplement educational programs in schools, as happened in Indonesia. In addition, it is also stated that the communication network built by parents is very important in determining the success of students in the community.
Parent participation greatest effect on children's learning process and learning achievement to be achieved. This is confirmed by the statement Slameto (1995), which argued that: "The family is the institution which first and foremost. Healthy family of great significance for education is small in size, but it is decisive for education in large measure, namely the education of the nation, the country and the world ".

Parents who do not pay attention to their children's education, for example, they are indifferent to learning his son, did not pay attention at all would be the interests and needs of children in the study, did not set a time of learning, does not provide or supplement the tools to learn, do not want to know how the learning progress of their children, the difficulties experienced by children in learning and others can cause a child less or even not succeed in learning. The results obtained, grades or academic achievement is not going to satisfy even may fail in his studies. It can occur in children from families whose parents did not love their children (Slameto, 1995).

Educating children with indulgent way is the way pay attention to children who are not good. Parents who are too sorry for her child would not have the heart to force their children to learn, even perhaps let alone if the child does not learn the reason is reluctant improper actions. Because if it is allowed to drag on, the child will be naughty, do offhand, learning must become chaotic.

Participation of Parents Against Influence Student Achievement

Instead, educate children by treating it hard, forcing and chasing his son to learn is how to pay attention to a child who is also wrong. Thus, the child is filled with fear and eventually hate to learning activities. Even if the fear it is getting serious, the child will experience psychological disorders as a result of these pressures. Such parents usually want their children achieve excellent study, or they know that the child is stupid but do not know what caused it, so that children were chased to overcome its shortcomings.

In such event, this is where the teacher guidance and counseling (BP) plays an important role. Children or students who are experiencing difficulties as described above can be helped by providing tutoring as well as possible. Of course, parental involvement will greatly affect the success of the guidance (Slameto, 1995).

Friday, December 11, 2015

Understanding Brand Definition Papers Global Functions According to the experts Kotler

Understanding Brand Brand Definition, paper, Functions, Global, According to the Experts - A product can be distinguished from other products in terms of brand (brand). The brand can be used as a tool to create a particular view of the buyer, either through advertising or through other promotional activities. The role of the brand is not just a product differentiator, but not impossible in certain circumstances would intangible assets that have economic value. According to Kotler and Armstrong (1999: 245), the brand is: Understanding Brand Brand, Definition, paper Functions, Global, according to the Experts Kotler

Brand is name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of Reviews These intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from Reviews those of competitors.

Understanding Brand Brand According to the experts - According to Keegan et. Al (1996: 318), the brand is:
Brand is a complex bundle of images and experiences in the customer's mind that communicates a promise about the benefits of a particular product manufactured by a particular company.

So it can be concluded that brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design of a product or service or a combination of a whole intended to identify the goods and services of a person or group of sellers and to differentiate from competitors' products. Brand image and experience also left the minds of consumers about the benefits of products manufactured from the company.
According to Kotler (2005: 82), the brand is a promise sellers to consistently provide the look, certain benefits and services to the buyers. The best brands deliver quality, but the brand is more than just a symbol.
While the brand definition put forward by the American Marketing Association in the book The Power of Brand, Freddy Rangkuti (2002: 2) is: "a name, term, symbol or design or a combination of these things. The purpose of branding is to identify products or services produced so different from the products or services produced by competitors.
The best brands will provide quality assurance. However the provision or brand name on a product handaknya not only a symbol, because the brand has six levels of understanding:
Product Attributes: Brand reminiscent of certain attributes, such as quality, prestige, resale value, design and others. For example, Mercedes stating something expensive, products made with good, well-designed, durable, high prestigious, high resale value, fast and others. The company can provide one or more of these attributes or to advertise its products.
Benefits: Brand is not just a series of attributes. Customers do not give attributes, but they buy benefits. Given attributes to develop into functional or emotional benefits.
Value: Brand also said something about the value of the manufacturer. For example, Mercedes claimed the products are high-performance, secure, prestigious, and others. Thus manufacturers Mercedes also received high marks in the public eye. Thus, manufacturers must be able to know which group of car buyers looking niai-this value.
Cultural: The brand also represents a particular culture. For example, Mercedes reflects the German culture organized, consistent, high level of seriousness, efficient, and high quality.
Personality: The brand also reflects a certain personality. Often a particular product using the well-known personalities to boost or sustain brand her products.
User: Brand indicate the type of consumers who buy or use the product. Plumpness users are the ones who appreciate the value of the culture and personality of the product. Eg Mercedes generally diasosikan with the rich, the top managers, and so on.

When a company treats just a brand name, the company did not see their true purpose. With six levels of understanding of the above brands, companies must determine which level will set the brand identity. A mistake of promoting only one brand attributes. First, consumers are not so interested in the attributes of the brand compared to the benefits of the brand. Secondly, a competitor can easily imitate these attributes. Third, the current attributes will gradually decline means, to the detriment of the brand attached to these attributes.
Brand definition is very important, both for consumers and producers. From the consumer side, the brand makes it easy to purchase. If there is no brand, consumers should evaluate all the products that do not have the brand every time they make a purchase. They also help convince consumers that they will receive a consistent quality when they buy the product. From the producer side, the brand can be promoted. Brand can easily be known when considered or placed in a display.
In addition, the brand makes it easy to identify a product, a brand can make consumers sure will get the same quality if they buy again. It means brands can help consumers to not be mistaken in choosing the desired products to consumers, ie to quality and price. Brand reduce the difference in price, because consumers will easily compare the price of a product with different brands and ultimately for producers to increase achievement. Because the brand is one of the factors considered in memandingkan similar products.
Kotler (2005: 90) argues that the brand has a role viewed from the standpoint of the manufacturer, where the brand has a role and purpose as follows:
Brand ease the seller to process orders and track when an error occurs. In addition, it is also easier for manufacturers untul find if there are complaints from consumers.
Brand providing the opportunity for sellers to attract customers who are loyal and profitable. Brand loyalty provides protection against the manufacturer of the competitors as well as greater control in planning their marketing program.
Brands and trade marks manufacturers provide legal protection of the display unique products, which without it would be imitated by competitors.
Brand helps the seller to segment the market.
A good brand helps the company's image. By bringing the company name, brand helps advertise the quality and size of the company.

Brand Association
According to a senior official, et al (2001: 4) brand association are:
Reflecting a brand image to a certain impression in relation to habits, lifestyle, benefits, product attributes, geography, prices, competitors, and others.

Understanding brand association proposed by Aaker (1996: 106) in the book The Power of Brand, Freddy Rangkuti (2002: 43) is "all matters relating to the memory of the brand". The association will be an important factor, if the brand manufacturers have similar in terms of attributes with other brands or if the company is an important thing to be seen. A brand will be stronger when based on a wealth of experience to communicate. Various associations are remembered consumers can be assembled to form the image of the brand or the brand image in the minds of consumers. Simply put, the notion of brand image is a set of brand associations that formed the minds of consumers. Consumers are accustomed to using a particular brand tends to have the consistency of the brand image or it is also called the personality of the brand (brand personality).

Here are some examples where created brand association:
"These brands are manufactured by companies that I believe." As an illustration, if people hear about a brand, such as Lux beauty soap, then they will immediately associate it with Unilever or when they hear So Klin, they will remember about Wings. Requirement that manufacturers can remember is that manufacturers must often advertised and should make consumers believe the products are made.
"I am amazed at the Company brand X." Here consumers said association as a result of his admiration for the brand or the program of the brand.
"I would be proud to do business with the company brand X," or I am proud to use the company brand X. "For example, consumers are proud, if the product uses a Mercedes Benz or BMW.

Brand image is the customer perception of a brand that reflects on a series of associations linked by the customers concerned with a particular brand name in its memory. In his article published in the journal of consumer marketing proposed by Del Rio, Vazquez, and Iglesias (2001) analyzed the association of the brand is based on the functions and benefits that consumers associate with a particular brand. The third is a marketing expert to measure the function and benefits of brand associations (brand association) through six main dimensions of the book Marketing Scales, Tjiptono, et al (2004: 239-242), namely:

1. Guarantees
A promise which is an obligation on manufacturers of products to consumers, where consumers will be compensated if it is the product can not function as expected.

2 Personal Identification
Is all the knowledge possessed by consumers and all conclusions made consumers about the objects, attributes and benefits of the product.

3. Social Identification
Consumer behavior is affected due to factors such as families, small groups, and the role and social status of consumers.

4. Status
Each of the products that carry the status reflects the awards given by the community, so often consumers choose products that show their status in society.

5. Willingness Receive Brand Expansion
Communities receive new products offered by the company using the old brand contained in its parent brand.

6. Willingness to Recommend Brands
Citizens are willing to show the product brand, is consumed to others.
Brand association is not relevant for all brands, and the measurement of irrelevant can cause incorrect interpretation. Measurement of brand association is also less sensitive because it is difficult to change the company's image.

The elements of brand association are:
1. Orientation on Society / Community (Society / Community Orientation)
Good organization can be proven through many things such as environmentally sensitive, mensposori charity, treat workers / employees with decent. Brand Association is indispensable in developing a community-oriented associations / societies, of course heighten customer loyalty. Although it is very difficult to express the magnitude of loyalty. Environmental care program is another way to be a good company, as the packaging or composition that can be recycled making it environmentally friendly, the impression that the company cares about the environment will be more difficult to imitate, it is more visible and believable.

2. Perceived Quality (Perceived Quality)
Perception of quality is almost always widened consideration at every consumer choice. Quality can be communicated directly with the demonstration or argument that a superior product attributes owned competitors. Many companies are committed to the quality or want to be "the best". Brand Association be a good means of communicating umtuk's trustworthy quality further help develop loyalty.

3. Innovation
Innovation may be the key brand associations for Japanese companies. Innovation is also important for western companies, particularly competition in product class where technology and innovation to be important to consumers, such as Oral B toothbrush classified or categorized as an Intel microprocessor. Innovation could also be a suggestion to make brand products look more modern and up to date.

4. Attention to Customers (Concern for customers)
Many companies have always put the consumer in the first place as a core value. Some companies see the brand concept of "friendship" as an element of the company's brand identity. This implies that the brand will give desired by consumers, such as honesty, caring, trustworthy, and respect.

5. The existence and success
Doing business with a company that has the resources to support the product and a long history of doing business can provide a sense of security. Success, as indicated by sales or sales growth, it also creates a sense of confidence for consumers who have chosen the brand.

6. Local vs. Global
a. Being Local
One option is to create a differentiation strategy of the brand perceived as a local brand of local companies. Local becomes particularly effective when global competitor marketing programs desensitized or inconsistent (or even contradictory) to local tastes. Serious attempt to apply locally can also produce a better understanding of the local needs and habits.

b. Become global
Another option is to become a global identity. A global brand signals a long life, a resource for brand investment, and commitment to the future of the brand. A global company will be considered more advanced in technology, which is able to invest in R & D and bring progress in a country where competing brands. A global brand also has prestige because he is able to compete successfully in different markets.
Furthermore, if consumers think that certain brands are physically different from competing brands, the brand image will be attached continuously so as to form a loyalty to a particular brand, which is called brand loyalty (brand loyalty).
Brand association can create a value for the company and the customer, because he can help the process of preparing information to distinguish one brand from another.

Understanding Brand Brand

There are five advantages of brand associations, namely:
Help to organize information. The associations found in a brand, can help summarize a collection of facts and specifications that can be easily recognized by customers.
The difference is an association can provide a very important foundation for business differentiation. Brand associations can play a very important role in maembedakan one brand from another brand.
Reasons to buy, in general, brand association is very helpful to consumers in making the decision to buy the product or not.
The creation of a positive attitude or feeling, brand association can stimulate positive feelings, which in turn will have a positive impact on the product concerned.
The cornerstone for the expansion, brand association can produce the foundation for an expansion of the brand, by creating a sense of fit between a brand and a new product.

Understanding Advertising, Definition It is, Articles, Papers According to the Experts

Understanding Advertising, Definition It is, Articles, Papers According to the Experts - Advertising is part of the promotional mix and the promotion mix is part of the marketing mix. So simply advertising is defined as a message that offers a product aimed at people through a medium (Rhenald Kasali, 1992).

Definition Advertising - While according to Frank Jefkins (1997) advertisement is a message directed to persuade people to buy. The standard definition of advertising generally contains six elements:
Advertising is a paid form of communication, although some forms of advertising such as public service announcements, usually using special room for free.
In addition to the message to be delivered must be paid, in the ad also occur sponsor identification process. Ad not only displays a message about the greatness of the products offered, but also at the same time convey the message that consumers are aware of the company that manufactures the products offered.
Efforts to persuade and influence consumers.
Advertising requires elements of the mass media as a medium conveys the message to the target audience.
Advertising has not the nature of the personal
Advertising is the audience. In the ad must be clearly defined group of consumers who were targeted messages.
Put simply advertising is defined as "message that offers a product aimed to the public through the media". Basically, the only purpose of advertising is to sell a product, service or idea or the real goal is effective communication, which is where the final effect of advertising is to change the attitude or behavior of the receiver.
In advertising, the message delivered quickly to the consumer or to a wide audience and spread, where the message is delivered via electronic media (radio, TV) and print media (newspapers, magazines), because the media in fact appear to convince behavior, values and mean the sender is a greater interest than the recipient. In mass communication, communication that occurs is in one direction, in this case from producers to consumers. Producers or advertisers often change the old paradigm and match the potential consumers into a subject, not an object, when in fact the ads created for the benefit of producers, but as if behind that advertisement was made for the benefit of consumers.

Advertising should be designed to achieve specific objectives of the company, although the ultimate goal of the program is to encourage occur advertising purchasing decisions by consumers. Targeted advertising can be determined based on the clarification of whether the purpose of advertising intended to inform, persuade or remind alone.
Informative advertising. This means that companies must design the ads so that the important things about the product can be delivered in the advertising message. Ads that highlight the beneficial aspects of products are usually categorized as ads that are informative.
Advertising to persuade. Advertising is usually persuade consumers and play an important role for companies with a high level of competition. Where the company tries to convince consumers that the brand has to offer is the right choice. Ads that persuade usually poured into advertising messages comparison. The Company attempts to compare the advantages of the products offered by other similar products.
Ad reminded. Usually used to remind the advertising recall products already established. Many of these products are first established and the market is now gone because of the lack of ads that are reminiscent.
Some categories of advertising purposes become a reference in corporate strategy. The categories are then formulated in the form of questions such as who? What? Where? And how often ?.

Who ?. The most fundamental consideration underlying the formulation of the advertising strategy is the selection of the target market. Purposes related to whom, who describes the target market according to their basic needs, which is used as a decoy to a brand and the features / characteristics of the products that is a decoy in the form of demographic, psychological, or other characteristics that influence voting behavior.

What ? What question includes two kinds of consideration (1) what the emphasis is and (2) what its objectives ?. Problems associated with different emphasis firtur features and benefits that will be emphasized as well as the emotions to be generated when a brand advertises.
Where ? When ? How often ? Demographically, Which markets should be emphasized, months or seasons are favorable for advertising, as well as how often should a brand advertised.
The benefits of advertising that is bringing the message to be conveyed by the manufacturer to the general public. Ad reaches a variety of areas difficult to reach physically by the manufacturer on television or radio. Even if costs are nominally huge numbers, for manufacturers who can leverage the creativity in the world of advertising, the right advertising strategy to be cheap.
To be able to persuade, able to evoke memories maintain consumer products offered, it is necessary to appeal to the success of communication with consumers.

The appeal of such ads as below.
1. The appeal of rational advertising messages
There are several types of messages to generate rational appeal, so it gets the attention of consumers. Here are some types of rational advertising appeal:
Factual. This type is generally associated with high involvement decision is motivated by the message recipient to be able to process the information that displays the benefits of the product and product excellence while displaying plausible arguments, belong to the type of factual appeal.
Pieces of life (Slice of life). Displaying advertising messages pieces of life that many shown on television. Presented to the audience in the form of daily life. Eg advertising mothers in washing clothes. This detergent product to show how the activity of mothers in the washing problems. The influence of these ads want to order a process of imitation of the behavior of the audience.
Demonstration. Advertising messages displayed instrumental describe the ability of a product capable of solving problems such as drug advertising headache, dandruff remover floor cleaner which is a technique demonstrations messages are displayed ads.
Comparative advertising. Ads that attempts to compare the advantages of the products offered by other similar products. The Company seeks to convince consumers of the product being offered is better than the other.

2. The appeal is based feelings and emotions
Use of the appeal of the feelings and emotions are widely used for luxury products (cars, paintings, clothing etc.) As well as the products that are reasonably priced (coffee, toothpaste, mineral water etc.). Here is an advertising message to appeal the feelings and emotions:
Fear. Advertisement fear of ordinary displays negative aspects or matters relating to the dangerous behavior or improper use of the product. Examples advertisement fear, Product toothpaste displaying advertising messages that frighten consumers like the teeth will be brittle and break if not maintained by using the right toothpaste.
Humor. An emotional appeal because it can attract attention and may give rise to the appeal. Reasons for using humor because humor can make the message recipients obtain positive mood, then the probability of message reception is good and will be even greater. Another case in a bad state (bad mood), the audience likely will not notice the ad.
Animation. Animation is widely used for products that consumers children. The use of animation for advertising breakfast, chocolate, milk, sweets and other foods. The reason is to avoid the use of animation tedium of consumers, the animations are engineered to attract an audience.
Sex. Many ads that use sex as a theme of advertising appeal protests by public advertisement and controversial. The use of sex is a very powerful theme to draw attention of the audience, even for products not related to sex. Like the ad with the phrase "It's peanut".
Music. The use of music as an attraction for music ads will cause charisma, prestige and impression for the advertised product.
Fantasy. The use of fantasy is believed to cause the attention of penonoton. Small food products for children often use fantasy.

3. Planning Media
Selection of advertising media to convey the message plays an important role in the communication process. Without the media, the message will not be up to the consumer group that we want. Therefore, choosing the right media will determine whether the message to be conveyed to the target group will be up or not. First, the company must determine who the target consumer to be addressed. The target group of consumers can be grouped based on demographics such as age, education, income, family size, etc.. Second, companies need to see when the ad is served or delivered to the target consumers. Every time difference has the characteristics of different ..
Required three stages of decision-making regarding the selection of media in advertising:
Leaders should set common types of media to be used, should be used newspapers, television or magazines.
If the selected magazine periodicals, whether to use a special field type (eg, a magazine about family or general magazines).
Determination of the media should be established.
1. Print Media
Rhenald kasli (1995: 99) defines the print media is a media that is static and prioritizes visual messages. Media consists of a sheet with a number of words, pictures or photos in full color and white pages. In this sense, the print media are used as a medium for advertising is limited to newspapers and magazines.
2. Characteristics of the print media.
Print media actually has several characteristics that can not be matched by any electronic media such as television.
Reading stimulates people to interact with active thinking and creative reflection and digest it, so it is more likely to open a dialogue with the reader / consumer society.
Print media is more clear who the target consumer society or audiencenya.
Social criticism conveyed through print more weight or more effective.
Print media are more flexible, easy to carry anywhere.
In presenting advertising, print media more attractive and delivered more informative, complete and specific to meet the needs of the consumer society.
Print media illustrates that the existence nevertheless still be needed by the community and therefore ad will never run away from print media.

Understanding Ad

The economists in their studies, often the link between advertising and product demand. At least they can be grouped divided in three thought that is persuasive, informative and complementary.
Persuasive, this view stating that advertising is done to woo buyers. Advertising impact will affect demand or the level of sales through changing tastes and enhance customer loyalty to the brand.
Informative, including this group believe advertising plays a constructive manner. The information spread will shift and increase demand. This activity is done to facilitate the advertised product into the market.
Complementary, the holder of this school believe that advertising affects demand to boost consumer satisfaction or utility. The ads were created to increase the pride-pride when consuming a product.
This is similar to the current marketing concepts, products are not created to meet the needs of the community. But instead to create demand, creating demand. Keep in mind in understanding this idea that demand is not equal to the need.